Suggest a Topic for Worship-Sharing or a Forum

We have Worship-Sharing format on the first Sunday of each month, and a “Forum” presentation/discussion prior to Meeting for Worship on the Fourth Sunday of each month.
Illustration of five people meetingWe encourage all members and attenders to suggest a topic or focus that they would like to lead at any of these times.

  • For the worship-sharing, give a brief (one paragraph) introduction to the focus, and suggest some queries that will help people delve into the topic. Worship-Sharing takes the place of Meeting for Worship on first Sundays and begins at 10:30am.
  • For the Forum, give a description of what topic you want to speak on, or activity you want to lead. It should take about 25-30 minutes, with time for a Q&A following. Forums start at 1o:15am, and Meeting for Worship follows at 11am on fourth Sundays.

Please fill out the form below and let us know what and when you would like to create! (If the form doesn’t show right away, refresh the page!)