Greetings to folks associated with Annapolis Valley Monthly Meeting:
It does take money to run a Quaker Meeting! If you would like to donate, we would be happy to have a cheque made out to Annapolis Valley Monthly Meeting, or cash. You can drop these off at Meeting for Worship on any Sunday. Or, please contact our Treasurer at info@annapolisvalley, if you are not likely to be attending Meeting in the near future, and we will make arrangements to receive it — with many thanks!
You can also donate on-line via CanadaHelps.
Receipts for income tax charitable donations will be sent in February, so please make sure to include your mailing address.
We have had increased attendance this year at our Meetings for Worship and our special events. We share in the costs of using a space in Canard once per month. We continue to support Canadian Yearly Meeting, and the local Food Bank, and to invest in resources such as Friends Journal, a respected Quaker magazine. (Please let us know if you would like to borrow copies — the articles are interesting and useful for folks exploring modern Quakerism.) We support members and attenders in travelling to national and international gatherings, such as Canadian Yearly Meeting and Young Friends Gathering, Friends General Conference, and, this year, Britain Yearly Meeting. You can see a story from those travels on our Facebook page.
The Meeting thanks you for your support. If you have any questions or would like to contact us for any reason, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Barbara Aikman, Clerk, and Marilyn Manzer, Treasurer