A Weekend of Enjoyment and Spiritual Renewal for All Ages! Enquirers are Welcome to Attend!
- Note: Atlantic Friends Gathering for May 2020 was cancelled due to Covid 19 emergency.
- We welcome members and attenders from our Atlantic Friends Monthly Meetings, Allowed Meetings, and Worship Groups, as well as guests. We have arranged a full program, including six guest presenters and a panel, a time slot for Special Interest Groups (SIGs), a Youth Program, and more. Atlantic Half-Yearly Meeting for Business will also be held.
The programmed sessions are interspersed with meal breaks, stretch breaks, and longer periods of free time. Enjoy sessions at your own choice, as well as your own communing with Friends and nature.
On Saturday evening, we hold “Meeting for Readings,” when Friends can share passages of writing that have inspired them. On Sunday evening, we feature “Family Night,” a cheerful talent show of music and other performing gifts by young and old.
Please feel free to enjoy the weekend in your own way!
Presenters – a new program will be designed for May 2021.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
A 45-minute time-slot is available on Sunday morning for SIGs. Friends wishing to take advantage of this time to present information or carry out an activity on their “pet subject” should include details in the Comments box of the registration form. Note that the SIGs will run concurrently. Spaces for SIGs will be negotiated at AFG.
Display tables
Some tables will be available for Friends to set up displays. Please indicate your interest in the Comments box of the registration form. Note that room space is limited, so please be prepared to squish into half a table if necessary. Tables will be assigned on site.
Other highlights
- Meeting for Readings
- Family Night
Youth Program
Youth Coordinator:
Assistant Youth Coordinator:
The Youth Program will have something for children of all ages, offering fun, age-appropriate activities that will include learning about Quakers. Parents, let us know your children’s ages and the choices of activities they might like, so that we can plan for them. Possible activities: Nature walks, crafts, outdoor games, drama – and much more. Would you like to be added to the list of volunteers, especially for younger children? We welcome your assistance for an hour or two during the weekend with the Youth Program. Please indicate your willingness to volunteer in the Comment section of the registration form.